News » Logger

Logger 21/2/08

Lots of goings on in the last few days, and even some things to show for it.

I've put my first bit of code online which is a modbus data logger for Linux, which can be found on the Downloads page, and I've got a fair way into producing a php graphing engine which will provide some of the graphical output for my SCADA when I get that far.

I found a handy windows based modbus RTU test tool on called mtester which talks to my RTU faultlessly, which is good to know. It means I've not gone all this way to have a non-working modbus RTU on my bench.

It did however tell me I need to write the PIC code for function 0x0f, write multiple coils. This was the default method of controlling the ditigal outputs from the mtester. That might be my next trick.

Onwards and upwards.

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